Shu-Xia Tang
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Journal Papers
S.-X. Tang and C.-K. Xie, State and output feedback boundary control for a coupled PDE-ODE system, Systems & Control Letters, vol. 60, no. 8, pp. 540-545, 2011. PDF. Errata. Answers.
S.-X. Tang and C.-K. Xie, Stabilization for a coupled PDE–ODE control system, Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol. 348, no. 8, pp. 2142-2155, 2011. PDF. Errata.
Z.-C. Zhou and S.-X. Tang, Boundary stabilization of a coupled wave-ODE system with internal anti-damping, International Journal of Control, 85:11, 1683-1693, 2012. PDF.
A. Diagne, M. Diagne, S.-X. Tang and M. Krstic, Stabilization of the linearized Saint-Venant-Exner model via backstepping boundary control, Automatica, vol. 76, pp. 345-354, 2017. PDF.
Z.-Y. Zhen, S.-X. Tang and Z.-C. Zhou, Stabilization of a heat-ODE system cascaded at a boundary point and an intermediate point, Asian Journal of Control, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 1834-1843, 2017. PDF.
S.-X. Tang, L. Camacho-Solorio, Y.-B. Wang and M. Krstic, State-of-charge estimation from a thermal-electrochemical model of lithium-ion batteries, Automatica, vol. 83, pp. 206-219, 2017. PDF.
A. Diagne, S.-X. Tang*, M. Diagne and M. Krstic, Control of shallow waves of two unmixed fluids by backstepping, Annual Reviews in Control, vol. 44, pp. 211-225, 2017. PDF.
S.-X. Tang, J. Qi and J. Zhang, Formation tracking control for multi-agent systems: a wave-equation based approach, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, vol. 15, no. 6, 2704-2713, 2017. PDF. Video A, or B.
Y.-H. Liu, G.-Z. Cao, S.-X. Tang and X.-S. Cai, Energy-based robust H_\infty control of stochastic nonlinear systems, IET Control Theory & Applications, 2017. PDF.
J.-X. Chu, J.-M. Coron, P.-P. Shang and S.-X. Tang, Gevrey class regularity of a semigroup associated with a nonlinear Korteweg-de Vries equation, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B, vol. 39B(1), 1-12, 2018. PDF.
J. Wang, S.-X. Tang*, Y.-J. Pi and M. Krstic, Exponential regulation of the anti-collocatedly disturbed cage in a wave PDE-modeled ascending cable elevator, Automatica, 2018. PDF.
S.-X. Tang, J.-X. Chu, P.-P. Shang and J.-M. Coron, Asymptotic stability of a KdV equation with a two-dimensional center manifold, Advances in Nonlinear Analysis, vol. 7, 497-515, 2018. PDF.
J. Qi, S.-X. Tang* and C. Wang, Parabolic PDE-based multi-agent formation control on a cylindrical surface, International Journal of Control, vol. 92, no. 1, 77-99, 2019. PDF. Video A, or B.
J. Wang, S.-X. Tang* and M. Krstic, Adaptive output-feedback control of torsional vibration for off-shore rotary oil drilling systems, Automatica, vol. 111, 108640, 2020. PDF.
X.-R. Zhang, Y. Li, Y.-C. Liu, S.-X. Tang, X.-G. Liu, K. Punithakumar and D.-W. Shi, Automatic spinal cord segmentation from axial-view MRI slices using CNN with grayscale regularized active contour propagation, Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 132, 104345, 2021. PDF.
D. Zhang, S. Dey, S.-X. Tang, R. Drummond and S. Moura, Battery internal temperature estimation via a semilinear thermal PDE model, Automatica, vol. 133, 109849, 2021. PDF.
K.-X. Cui, S.-X. Tang, Y. Huang and D.-W. Shi, Event-triggered active disturbance rejection control for a class of networked systems with unmatched uncertainties: Theoretic and experimental results, Control Engineering Practice, vol. 115, 104907, 2021. PDF.
A. Hasan and S.-X. Tang*, Boundary control of a Coupled Burgers' PDE-ODE system, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 32, no. 10, pp. 5812–583, 2022. PDF.
J. Wang, S.-X. Tang* and M. Krstic, Adaptive control of hyperbolic PDEs coupled with a disturbed and highly uncertain ODE, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 108-123, 2023. PDF.
N. M. Negash, S.-X. Tang and J. Yang, Prescribed Performance Backstepping and Sliding Mode Control for Automated Platoons with IT2-Fuzzy Logic and Exponential Spacing Policy, ASME Autonomous Vehicles and Systems, vol. 4, no. 3, July 2024. PDF.
D. Zhang, S.-X. Tang*, L. D. Couto, Z. Wei, V. Viswanathan, State Estimation of Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries via a Distributed Parameter Electrochemical Model, Automatica, Volume 173, March 2025. PDF.
J.-L. Song, D.-W. Shi, S.-X. Tang, H. Yu and Y. Shi, Event-triggered learning-based control of networked systems for output tracking with unknown cost functions, Automatica, under review.
M. Hasanzadeh and S.-X. Tang*, Distributed Dynamic Encirclement Control for First-Order Multi-Agent Systems with Communication and State Delays, International Journal on Robust and Nonlinear Control, under review.
S. Sepasiahooyi and S.-X. Tang*, State-of-Health and State-of-Charge Estimation for Lithium-Ion Batteries based on Electrolyte-Electrode PDE Observers, Automatica, under review.
M. Hasanzadeh and S.-X. Tang*, Optimization-based Finite-Time Encirclement Control for Multi-Agent PDE Systems, Automatica, under review.
N. M. Negash, Y.-W. Yang, S.-X. Tang and J. Yang, Safety-Critical Model Predictive Path Integral Control for Social-Aware Autonomous Vehicle Driving, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, under review.
P. Ferreira and S-X. Tang*, Investigating Thermal Dynamics in Cylindrical Li-ion Batteries Across Varied Temperatures Based on Electrochemical Principles, Nature Scientific Reports, under review.
M. Hasanzadeh and S.-X. Tang*, Backstepping-based Encirclement Control for Leader-Follower Multi-Agent PDE Systems, International Journal of Control, under review.
P. Ferreira and S-X. Tang*, Advanced Thermal-Electrochemical Modeling and Estimation of Li-ion Batteries, under review.
Refereed Conference Papers
S.-X. Tang and C.-K. Xie, Stabilization of a coupled PDE-ODE system by boundary control, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2010. PDF.
S.-X. Tang, C.-K. Xie and Z.-C. Zhou, Stabilization of a class of delayed coupled PDE-ODE systems with boundary control, Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2011. PDF.
Z.-C. Zhou and S.-X. Tang, Boundary stabilization of a coupled wave-ODE system, Chinese Control Conference, 2011. PDF.
S.-X. Tang and M. Krstic, Stabilization for linearized Kortweg-de Vries systems with anti-diffusion, American Control Conference, 2013. PDF.
S.-X. Tang and M. Krstic, Sliding mode control to stabilization of linear 2x2 hyperbolic systems with boundary input disturbance, American Control Conference, 2014. PDF.
S.-X. Tang, B.-Z. Guo and M. Krstic, Active disturbance rejection control for 2x2 hyperbolic systems with input disturbance, IFAC World Congress, 2014. PDF.
S.-X. Tang and M. Krstic, Stabilization of linearized Kortweg-de Vries systems with anti-diffusion by boundary feedback with non-collocated observation, American Control Conference, 2015. PDF.
S.-X. Tang, Y.-B. Wang, Z. Sahinoglu, T. Wada, S. Hara and M. Krstic, State-of-charge estimation for lithium-ion batteries via a coupled thermal-electrochemical model, American Control Conference, 2015. PDF.
A. Diagne, M. Diagne, S.-X. Tang and M. Krstic, Backstepping stabilization of the linearized Saint-Venant-Exner model: part I-- state feedback, IEEE Control and Decision Conference, 2015. PDF.
A. Diagne, M. Diagne, S.-X. Tang and M. Krstic, Backstepping stabilization of the linearized Saint-Venant-Exner model: part II-- output feedback, IEEE Control and Decision Conference, 2015. PDF.
A. Diagne, S.-X. Tang*, M. Diagne and M. Krstic, Backstepping stabilization of the linearized two-layer Saint-Venant-Exner model, the IFAC Workshop on Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations, 2016. PDF.
Y.-H. Liu, G. Cao, S.-X. Tang and X. Cai, Dissipation analysis and H_\infty control of stochastic nonlinear systems based on Hamiltonian realization, American Control Conference, 2016. PDF.
S. Koga, M. Diagne, S.-X. Tang and M. Krstic, Backstepping control of a one-phase Stefan problem, American Control Conference, 2016. PDF.
S.-X. Tang and M. Krstic, Observer design for an IPDE with time-dependent coefficients, American Control Conference, 2016. PDF.
A. Diagne, S.-X. Tang*, M. Diagne and M. Krstic, Output feedback stabilization of the bilayer Saint-Venant Model, ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2016. PDF.
J. Wang, S.-X. Tang*, Y.-J. Pi and M. Krstic, Disturbance estimation of a wave PDE on a time-varying domain, SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications, 2017. PDF.
S.-X. Tang and K. Morris, Optimal sensor design for infinite-time Kalman filters, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2017. PDF.
A. Hasan and S.-X. Tang*, Local exponential stabilization of a Burgers' PDE-ODE cascaded system, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2017. PDF.
Y.-H. Liu, J.-Y. Li and S.-X. Tang, Observer-based Stabilization of Stochastic Hamiltonian Systems, American Control Conference, 2018. PDF.
D. Zhang, S.-X. Tang and S. Moura, State and disturbance estimator for unstable reaction-advection-diffusion PDE with anti-collocated disturbance, SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications, 2019. PDF.
F.-C. Chou, S.-X. Tang, X.-Y. Lu and A. Bayen, Backstepping-based time-gap regulation for automated platoons, American Control Conference, 2019. PDF.
S.-X. Tang, A. Keimer, P. Goatin and A. Bayen, A study on minimum time regulation of a bounded congested road with upstream flow control, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2019. PDF.
S.-X. Tang, A. Keimer and A. Bayen, Well-posedness of scalar semilinear balance laws subject to nonlinear boundary control operators, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2019. PDF.
J. Wang, S.-X. Tang* and M. Krstic, Lateral vibration suppression of a disturbed mining cable elevator with flexible guideways, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2020. PDF.
Y.-L. Liao, S.-X. Tang*, F.-C. Liao and M. Krstic, Analysis of predictor feedback for time-varying delays that may assume zero value, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2020. PDF.
D. Zhang, S.-X. Tang*, L.D. Couto, V. Viswanathan, PDE Observer for All-Solid-State Batteries via an Electrochemical Model, IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, 2021. PDF.
S. Sepasiahooyi and S.-X. Tang*, Sensitivity Analysis of Lithium-ion Battery SoH Indicators: An Analytical Study, American Control Conference, 2024. PDF.
M. Hasanzadeh and S.-X. Tang*, Distributed Dynamic Encirclement Control for First-Order Multi-Agent Systems with Communication Delay, American Control Conference, 2024. PDF.
P. Ferreira and S.-X. Tang*, Sensors Placement Analysis and Temperature Estimation in Lithium-Ion Batteries with a Cascaded Electrochemical-Thermal Model, European Control Conference, 2024. PDF.
M. Hasanzadeh and S.-X. Tang*, Dynamic Average Consensus as Distributed PDE-Based Control for Multi-Agent Systems, European Control Conference, 2024. PDF.
P. Ferreira and S.-X. Tang*, Advancement in Lithium-Ion Battery Pack Thermal Modeling Based on Electrochemical Principles, Summer Heat Transfer Conference, 2024. PDF.
P. Ferreira and S.-X. Tang*, Quintuple Thermal Model for All-Solid-State Batteries and Temperature Estimation through a Cascaded Thermal-Electrochemical Model, IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, 2024. PDF.
M. Hasanzadeh and S.-X. Tang*, Encirclement Control for PDE-Based Leader-Follower Multi-Agent Systems with Targets in a Sphere: Part 1 - Target Enclosing, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2024. PDF.
M. Hasanzadeh and S.-X. Tang*, Encirclement Control for PDE-Based Leader-Follower Multi-Agent Systems with Targets in a Sphere: Part 2 - Rotation Encirclement, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2024. PDF.
S. Sepasiahooyi and S.-X. Tang*, Enhanced Battery State Estimation: Part 1 - Electrolyte Lithium-ion Concentration Observer, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2024. PDF.
S. Sepasiahooyi and S.-X. Tang*, Enhanced Battery State Estimation: Part 2 - Reverse Sensitivity Analysis and Electrode Lithium-ion Observer, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2024. PDF.
S. Sepasiahooyi and S.-X. Tang*, Fault Detection of Electrolyte Lithium Concentration in Li-ion Batteries, American Control Conference, 2025, under review.
J. Qi and S.-X. Tang, Multi-robot Formation Control on a Plane via PDE Approach, the 6th International Conference on Optimization and Control with Applications, 2015.
S.-X. Tang, K. Morris and J.-M. Coron, Stability analysis of the fourth-order ODE analogous to a piezoelectric beam PDE, SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications, 2017.
S.-X. Tang, L. Camacho-Solorio, Y.-B. Wang and M. Krstic, State-of-charge estimation of lithium-ion batteries modeled by a coupled PDE-ODE system, SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications, 2017.
J. Wang, S.-X. Tang*, Y.-J. Pi and M. Krstic, Disturbance estimation of a wave PDE on a time-varying domain, SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications, 2017.
S.-X. Tang, A. Keimer and A. Bayen, Routing (Operators) in Traffic Flow Modelling with Semilinear PDEs, AWM (Association for Women in Mathematics) Research Symposium, 2019.
Y.-L. Liao, S.-X. Tang and M. Krstic, Backstepping-Based Predictor Feedback Control for Linear Systems with a Time-Varying Input Delay, SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications, 2019.
D. Zhang, S.-X. Tang, S. Dey and S. Moura, Observer Design for Semilinear Parabolic PDEs, SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications, 2019.
S.-X. Tang, J. Wang and M. Krstic, Suppressing the instabilities in deep offshore oil production, International Conference on Fossil and Renewable Energy (F&R Energy-2020), 2020.
Selected Talks
"Encirclement Control for 2D and 3D Multi-Agent Systems", Southern California Applied Mathematics Symposium, April 2024.
"Advancements in Temperature Estimation for Conventional Lithium-Ion Batteries and All-Solid-State Batteries", Global Energy Meet (GEM)-2024 Conference, Los Angeles, USA, March 2024.
"Recent Advancements in Distributed Parameter Systems & Control Laboratory", Edward E. Whitacre Jr. College of Engineering (WCOE) Research Day, Texas Tech University, USA, February 2024.
"Suppressing the instabilities in deep offshore oil production", Invited featured speaker, Fossil & Renewable (F&R) Energy-2020 Conference, Houston, USA, February 2020.
"PDE Controls in Battery Management and Swarm Robotics", Seminar, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, University of California, Davis, April, 2019.
''Controls in Coupled PDE-ODE Systems", Seminar, School of Marine Science and Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China, September, 2018. Abstract.
''PDE Backstepping in Multi-Agent Formation Control", Seminar, School of Automation, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China, September, 2018. Abstract.
"Sensor Design for Distributed Parameter Systems", Mathematical Congress of the Americas, Montreal, Canada, July, 2017. Abstract.
''Backstepping observer design of PDEs: estimating the state of linearized KdV equations and state-of-charge of Li-ion batteries'', Seminar, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Michigan State University, USA, November, 2016. Abstract.
''Boundary observer and controller designs in PDEs'', Seminar, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA, July 18, 2016. Abstract.
''Asymptotic stability of a Korteweg-de Vries equation with a two-dimensional center manifold (Stabilité asymptotique d'une Korteweg-de Vries equation avec une variété de centre bidimensionnelle)'', Seminar, Gipsa-lab, Grenoble, France, March 03, 2016.
''Introduction to PDE Backstepping Method – Observer Designs for two PDEs'', Seminar, Departamento de Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Análisis Numérico (Department of Differential Equations and Numerical Analysis) & Departmento de Ingeniería Aeroespacial (Department of Aerospace Engineering), Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain, February 18, 2016. Abstract.
''Introduction to PDE Backstepping Control Design -- Control Design of Kortweg-de Vries Systems'', Seminar, College of Information Science and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai, China, December 17, 2015.
''Center Manifold Method for Asymptotic Stability Analysis on a Kortweg-de Vries Equation'', Seminar, Department of Mathematics, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, December 16, 2015. Abstract.
''Asymptotic Stability Analysis for a Kortweg-de Vries Equation Posed on the Interval [0, 2\pi\sqrt{7/3}] '', Seminar, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Academia Sinica, Beijing, China, December 15, 2015.
Selected Outreach Activities
''Distributed Parameter Systems and Control Laboratory Presentation'', IEEE Texas Tech University Chapter presentations, Texas Tech University, January 2024.
''Distributed Parameter Systems and Control Laboratory Presentation'', ASME Texas Tech University Chapter presentations, Texas Tech University, November 2023 and January 2024.
''Introduction to self-driving car modules'' with hands-on activities, Berkeley Girls in Engineering Summer Program, UC Berkeley, June 2018.
''Improving state-of-charge estimation of Li-ion batteries by incorporating thermal behavior'', the UC San Diego Grad Slam, UC San Diego, April 2015.
Selected Posters
P. Ferreira and S-X. Tang, ''Temperature Estimation in Lithium-Ion Batteries with Cascaded Electrochemical-Thermal Models'', American Control Conference, July 2024, PDF.
S. Sepasiahooyi and S-X. Tang, ''Analytical Sensitivity Analysis for State-of-Health of Lithium-ion Batteries'', Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Association (MEGA) Poster Competition at Texas Tech University, April 2024; Graduate School Research Poster Competition at Texas Tech University, March 2024; WCOE Research Day, Texas Tech University, February 2024, PDF.
M. Hasanzadeh and S-X. Tang, ''Distributed Dynamic Encirclement Control for First-Order Multi-Agent Systems with Communication Delays'', Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Association (MEGA) Poster Competition at Texas Tech University, April 2024; Graduate School Research Poster Competition at Texas Tech University, March 2024; WCOE Research Day, Texas Tech University, February 2024.
P. Ferreira and S-X. Tang, ''Temperature Estimation in Lithium-Ion Batteries with Cascaded Electrochemical-Thermal Models'', Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Association (MEGA) Poster Competition at Texas Tech University, April 2024; Graduate School Research Poster Competition at Texas Tech University, March 2024; WCOE Research Day, Texas Tech University, February 2024, PDF.
S. Sepasiahooyi and S-X. Tang, "Enhanced Battery State Estimation: Electrolyte Lithium Concentration Observer", The 8th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), August 2024, PDF.
M. Hasanzadeh and S-X. Tang, "Encirclement Control of PDE-Based Leader-Follower Multi-Agent Systems with Target in a Sphere", The 8th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), August 2024.
''Recent Advancements in Distributed Parameter Systems & Control Laboratory'', WCOE Research Day, Texas Tech University, February 2024.
''Optimal Sensor Design for PDE Estimation'', Workshop -- Sensor Location in Distributed Parameter Systems, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), University of Minnesota, USA, September 2017.
''Optimal Sensor Design for Distributed Parameter Systems'', Workshop -- Women in Control: New trends in infinite dimensions, Banff International Research Station, Canada, July 2017.
''Asymptotic Stability of a KdV Equation with a 2-dim Center Manifold'', Analysis of Partial Differential Equations using Dynamical Systems Techniques -- A conference in honor of the 60th birthday of C. Eugene Wayne, Department of Mathematics, Boston University, June 2016.
''Observer design for an IPDE with time-varying coefficients'', the 35th Annual Research Exposition, Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD, April 2016.
''State-of-charge estimation for lithium-ion batteries via a coupled thermal-electrochemical model'', the 34th Annual Research Exposition, Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD, April 2015.
''Control designs for a linear 2x2 hyperbolic system with a matched boundary disturbance'', the 33rd Annual Research Exposition, Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD, April 2014.