Shu-Xia Tang
TTU Dynamic Systems & Control Symposium (DSCS)
Organizer: Dr. Shu-Xia Tang, assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at TTU
The primary objectives of DSCS are
to provide a platform for students (and faculty) engaged in dynamic systems and control research to present their findings, especially before attending a conference presentation, and receive constructive feedback from both peers and faculty members beyond their respective labs,
to foster interdisciplinary collaborations and inspire meaningful connections.
Upcoming Events
Date and Time: Feb. 12, 3pm-4pm
Location: MEN 106
Topic: Modeling Cognitive Perceived Risk for Motion Prediction in a Collision Avoidance Manual Reaching Task
Speaker: Juan Baus from Dr. James Yang's lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Date and Time: Feb 26, 3pm-4pm
Location: MEN 106
Topic: Component-Wise Thermal Modeling and Estimation in Cylindrical Li-ion Batteries Based on Electrochemical Principles
Speaker: Patryck Ferreira from Dr. Shu-Xia Tang's lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Date and Time: March 12, 3pm-4pm
Location: MEN 106
Topic: Validation of Virtual Synchronous Machine Technology for Solar Energy Applications
Speaker: Kevin B. Norman from Dr. Beibei Ren's lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Date and Time: March 26, 3pm-4pm
Location: MEN 106
1-Topic: Fault Detection of Electrolyte Lithium Concentration in Li-ion Batteries
Speaker: Sara Sepasiahooyi from Dr. Shu-Xia Tang's lab.
2-Topic: Adaptive Estimation of All-Solid-State Battery Temperatures with Thermal Conductivity Uncertainties
Speaker: Patryck Ferreira from Dr. Shu-Xia Tang's lab.
3-Topic: Battery State Estimation for a Single Particle Model With Electrolyte and Temperature Dynamics
Speaker: Sara Sepasiahooyi from Dr. Shu-Xia Tang's lab.
Date and Time: April 9, 3pm-4pm
Location: MEN 106
1-Topic: Lithium-ion Battery Capacity Prediction via Conditional Recurrent Generative Adversarial Network-based Time-Series Regeneration
Speaker: Myisha Ahmed Chowdhury from Dr. Jay Lu's lab.
2-Topic: Equivalent-Circuit Thermal Model for Batteries with One-Shot Parameter Identification
Speaker: Myisha Ahmed Chowdhury from Dr. Jay Lu's lab.
3-Topic: PDE Modeling of Working Fluid Temperature in Battery Pack Heat Exchangers
Speaker: Patryck Ferreira from Dr. Shu-Xia Tang's lab.
Date and Time: April 23, 3pm-4pm
Location: MEN 106
Topic: TBD
Speaker: TBD.
Date and Time: May 7, 3pm-4pm
Location: MEN 106
Topic: Cyberattack Diagnostics for Connected Autonomous Vehicles Under Changing Driving Environment
Speaker: Sanchita Ghosh from Dr. Tanushree Roy's lab.
Past Events
Date and Time: Nov 20, 3:30 pm-4:30pm
Location: MES 208
1-Topic: Enhanced Battery State Estimation: Part 1 -- Electrolyte Lithium-ion Concentration Observer
Speaker: Sara Sepasiahooyi from Dr. Shu-Xia Tang's lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering
2-Topic: Security Of Cyber-physical Systems Under Compromised Switching
Speaker: Sanchita Ghosh from Dr. Tanushree Roy's lab, Department of Chemical Engineering.
3-Topic: Enhanced Battery State Estimation: Part 2 -- Reverse Sensitivity Analysis and Electrode Lithium-ion Observer
Speaker: Sara Sepasiahooyi from Dr. Shu-Xia Tang's lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Date and Time: Nov 6, 3:30 pm-4:30pm
Location: MES 208
Topic: State-of-Health and State-of-Charge Estimation for Lithium-Ion Batteries based on Electrolyte-Electrode PDE Observers
Speaker: Sara Sepasiahooyi from Dr. Shu-Xia Tang's lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Scott Moura from the University of California, Berkeley attended this presentation as a guest audience.
Date and Time: Oct 23, 3:30 pm-4:30pm
Location: MES 208
1-Topic: Improved State-of-Health Estimation for Batteries with Domain-Adaptive Deep Learning
Speaker: Gift Modekwe from Dr. Jay Lu's lab, Department of Chemical Engineering.
2-Topic: Transformer-Based Capacity Prediction for Lithium-Ion Batteries with Data Augmentation
Speaker: Gift Modekwe from Dr. Jay Lu's lab, Department of Chemical Engineering.
3-Topic: Safe and Adaptive Strategies for Optimizing Battery Fast-Charging Protocols via Reinforcement Learning
Speaker: Myisha Chowdhury from Dr. Jay Lu's lab, Department of Chemical Engineering.
4-Topic: Time-Series Regeneration with Conditional Recurrent Generative Adversarial Network for Battery State-of- Health Estimation
Speaker: Myisha Chowdhury from Dr. Jay Lu's lab, Department of Chemical Engineering.
Date and Time: Oct 9, 3:30 pm-4:30pm
Location: MES 208
1-Topic: A Study on Control-Co-Design for Optimizing Microgrid Sustainability
Speaker: Tania Rifat Jahan from Dr. Donald Docimo's lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
2-Topic: Model Predictive Control for Active Cooling of Photovoltaic Panels
Speaker: Asmaou Sougri-Nooma Ouedraogo from Dr. Donald Docimo's lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
3-Topic: An Investigation into the Viability of Cell-Level Temperature Control in Lithium-Ion Battery Packs
Speaker: Preston Abadie from Dr. Donald Docimo's lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Date and Time: Sep 25, 3:30 pm-4:30pm
Location: MES 208
Topic: Modeling and Predictive Control to Enable Improved Energy Management of Renewable Energy Systems
Speaker: Asmaou Ouedraogo from Dr. Donald Docimo's lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Date and Time: Sep 11, 3:30 pm-4:30pm
Location: MES 208
Topic: Analysis, Estimation, and Control of Cell-to-Cell Variations in Lithium-Ion Battery Packs
Speaker: Preston Abadie from Dr. Donald Docimo's lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Date and Time: June 17 2024, 11am-noon
Location: MEN106
1- Topic: Advancement in Lithium-Ion Battery Pack Thermal Modeling Based on Electrochemical Principles
Speaker: Patryck Ferreira from Dr. Shu-Xia Tang's lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
2- Topic: Dynamic Average Consensus as Distributed PDE-Based Control For Multi-Agent Systems
Speaker: Milad Hasanzadeh from Dr. Shu-Xia Tang's lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
3- Topic: Quintuple Thermal Model for All-Solid-State Batteries and Temperature Estimation through a Cascaded Thermal-Electrochemical Model
Speaker: Patryck Ferreira from Dr. Shu-Xia Tang's lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Date and Time: May 20 2024, 11am-noon
Location: MEN106
1-Topic: Control of Parallel Solar-Battery Systems Enabled by a Theta-Converter Topology
Speaker: Kevin Norman from Dr. Beibei Ren's lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
2-Topic: Sensitivity Analysis for State-of-Charge of Lithium-ion Batteries
Speaker: Sara Sepasiahooyi from Dr. Shu-Xia Tang's lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
3-Topic: Sensors Placement Analysis and Temperature Estimation in Lithium-Ion Batteries
with a Cascaded Electrochemical-Thermal Model
Speaker: Patryck Ferreira from Dr. Shu-Xia Tang's lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Date and Time: April 29, 11am-noon
Location: MEN106
Topic: Prediction of Reactivity through Computational Investigation of Atomic Propertie
Speaker: Armando Rezende from Dr. Adelia Aquino's lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Date and Time: March 25, 11am-noon
Location: MEN106
Topic: Distributed Dynamic Encirclement in Multi-Agent Systems with Communication and State Delays
Speaker: Milad Hasanzadeh from Dr. Shu-Xia Tang's lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Date and Time: February 26, 11am-noon
Location: MEN106
Topic: Safe Autonomous Vehicle Cooperative Cruise Control with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Speaker: Natnael M. Negash from Dr. James Yang's lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Date and Time: January 29 2024, 11am-noon
Location: MEN106
Topic: Battery Fast-Charging Optimization with Adaptive Safe Reinforcement Learning
Speaker: Myisha Ahmed Chowdhury from Dr. Jay Lu's lab, Department of Chemical Engineering.