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Recent Updates

Swann Marx (Gipsa-lab, Grenoble, France): Mar. 2016 -- current.


        Swann and I are currently working on disturbance rejection of Korteweg-de Vries equations.


Prof. Kirsten Morris (Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Waterloo, Canada): Sep. 2015 -- current. 


Prof. Morris, Professor Jean-Michel Coron and I are currently working on stabilization of beam equations.


Dr. Peipei Shang (Department of Mathematics, Tongji University, Shanghai, China): Sep. 2015 -- current. 

Dr. Jixun Chu (School of Mathematics & Physics, University of Science and Technology, Beijing, China): Sep. 2015 -- current. 


Peipei, Jixun and I are currently working on stability analysis of Korteweg-de Vries equations with Professor Jean-Michel Coron.


Prof. Rafael Vazquez (Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Seville, Spain): Oct. 2015 -- current.


Rafael visited Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions in Oct. 2015, when I was working as a visiting scholar in Universite Pierre et Marie Curie.


Hector E. Perez (University of California, Berkeley): Sep. 2015 -- current.


Hector provided a set of data for my simulation of state-of-charge estimation for lithium-ion batteries.


Prof. Tiago Roux Oliveira(Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil): 2014 -- current.


Tiago was a visiting scholar to UC San Diego between Mar. 2014 and Mar. 2015. We have discussed about working on disturbance rejection of some PDE systems since Mar. 2015.


Prof. Scott J. Moura (University of California, Berkeley): Sep. 2014 -- current.


Scott was a postdoc in University of California, San Diego between Sep. 2010 and Jun. 2012. He helpes our lab group in UCSD on the project of system identification and accurate state-of-charge estimation of lithium-ion batteries with Bosch. 


Dr. Jie Qi (Donghua University, Shanghai, China): Mar. 2013 -- current


Jie was a visiting scholar to UC San Diego between Mar. 2013 and Feb. 2014, also between Jun. 2015 and Sep. 2015. We work on multi-agent deployment/ formation control.


Dr. Ababacar Diagne: Sep. 2014 -- current


Ababacar visited UC San Diego for two weeks in Oct. 2014. Since then, we work together, with Dr. Mamadou Diagne and Prof. Miroslav Krstic, on stabilization of Saint-Venant-Exner model and the bilayer Saint-Venant equations.


Prof. Yanhong Liu (Zhengzhou University, China), Sep. 2014 -- current.


Prof. Liu was a visiting scholar to UC San Diego between Aug. 2012 and Aug. 2013. We start working together on control of stochastic nonlinear systems based on Hamiltonian realization since Sep. 2014.


Guizhou Cao (Zhengzhou University, China), Sep. 2014-current


Guizhou is a graduate student under the supervison of Prof. Yanhong Liu. I mentor Guizhou for his research on control of stochastic nonlinear systems.


Dr. Yebin Wang (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Boston, USA): Jun. 2014 -- current


I started working with Yebin since Jun. 2014, when I was a research intern in Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Boston, USA for three months. We work on state-of-charge estimation for lithium-ion batteries via a coupled thermal-electrochemical model, which is a coupled PDE-ODE system.


Prof. Baozhu Guo (Academy of Mathematics & Systems Science, Academia Sinica): Oct. 2013 -- current


Prof. Guo and I have known each other since Dec. 2010. We, together with Prof. Miroslav Krstic,  work on disturbance attenuation/rejection of some PDEs since Oct. 2013.


Prof. Zhongcheng Zhou (Southwest University, Chongqing, China): Sep. 2009 -- current.


Since Sep. 2009, Prof. Zhou and Prof. Chengkang Xie led our lab group of Southwest University into the PDE backstepping control area. We work together on backstepping controller and observer designs for some classes of coupled PDE-ODE systems.





  •  Jacobs Fellow, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014

  • Outstanding MS Graduate Student Award, Southwest University of China, 2011

  • First Prize for BS Dissertation, Southwest University of China, 2008

  •  ''Mathematical Modeling'', Lecturer in training, Southwest University, Sep. 2010 -- Oct. 2010

  •  ''Mathematics'', High school teacher in training, supervising one 11th grade class; teaching Math for two 11th grade classes, Yang-Jia-Ping Senior High School, Chongqing, China, Sep. 2007 -- Nov. 2007

Past Collaborators

Dr. Mamadou Diagne (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor): Sep. 2013 -- Jan. 2016


Mamadou was a postdoc in UC San Diego between Sep. 2013 and Aug. 2015. (1). We worked, together with Shumon Koga and Prof. Miroslav Krstic, on backstepping control of Stephan problem. (2). We worked, together with Dr. Ababacar Diagne and Prof. Miroslav Krstic, on stabilization of Saint-Venant-Exner model and the bilayer Saint-Venant equations since Oct. 2014. 


Shumon Koga (University of California, San Diego, USA): Sep. 2014 -- Jun. 2015

Shumon and I, together with Dr. Mamadou Diagne and Prof. Miroslav Krstic, worked on backstepping control of the Stefan problem.


Dr. Zafer Sahinoglu, (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Boston, USA)


Zafer was one of my two hosts when I was a research intern in Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Boston, USA for three months. We worked on state-of-charge estimation for lithium-ion batteries via a coupled thermal-electrochemical model.


Dr. Toshihiro Wada and Dr. Satoshi Hara, (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Japan)


Toshihiro and Satoshi provided some data for the simulation of state-of-charge estimation for lithium-ion batteries.




Teaching Interests

  • Linear Systems Theory & Control Design

  • Nonlinear Systems & Control

  • Control of Distributed Parameter Systems

  • Parametric System Identification Theory & Method 

  • Optimal Control & Estimation 

  • Cooperative Control for Multi-Agent Systems 

  • Game Theory for Engineers

  • Hybrid Systems

  • Introduction to Mathematical Physics

  • Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations

  • Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations

  • Mathematical Methods in Physics and Engineering

  • Mathematical Model & Experiments

  • Matlab & Mathematica


  • Calculus

  • Linear Algebra

  • Abstract Algebra

  • Modern Algebra

  • Mathematical Analysis & Applications

  • Real Analysis & Applications

  • Complex Analysis & Applications

  • Functional Analysis

  • Ordinary Differential Equations

  • Partial Differential Equations

  • Introduction to Stochastic Processes

  • Probability Theory

  • Number Theory

  • Foundations of Differential Geometry


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